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The KMH series capacitors are the standard 105 ºC , large capacitance, snap-in capacitors from United Chemi-Con. The load life for the KMH series is 2,000 hours at 105 ºC with the rated ripple current applied. The very high CV values and ripple current capabilities make these capacitors ideal for use in power supply filter circuits. The KMH capacitors are available in 2 or 4-pin snap-in styles and 4 or 5-pin straight terminals. The KMH series is RoHS compliant offering Pb-free construction.

KMH Series 3300 Microfarad (µF) Capacitance Snap Mount CapacitorEKMH101VSN332MR50T
Unit of Measure
Items KMH Series 3300 Microfarad (µF) Capacitance Snap Mount CapacitorEKMH101VSN332MR50T
KMH Series 3300 Microfarad (?F) Capacitance Snap Mount Capacitor
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KMH Series 820 Microfarad (µF) Capacitance Snap Mount Capacitor
KMH Series 820 Microfarad (?F) Capacitance Snap Mount Capacitor
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KMH Series 15000 Microfarad (µF) Capacitance Snap Mount Capacitor
KMH Series 15000 Microfarad (?F) Capacitance Snap Mount Capacitor
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Manufacturer Stock N/A {0} N/A {0} N/A {0}
Description N/A Non solvent resistant type
Brands N/A Nippon Chemi-Con
Manufacturer N/A United Chemi-Con
Series N/A KMH
Working Direct Current (DC) Voltage N/A 100 V N/A 450 V N/A 63 V
Direct Current Surge Voltage (SVDC) N/A 125 V N/A 500 V N/A 79 V
Capacitance N/A 3300 µF N/A 820 µF N/A 15000 µF
Capacitance Tolerance (±) at 120 Hertz (Hz) Frequency, 20 Degree Celsius (ºC) Temperature N/A 20 %
Diameter (D) N/A 30 mm N/A 40 mm N/A 35 mm
Dimension L N/A 50 mm N/A 63 mm N/A 63 mm
Maximum Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) at 120 Hertz (Hz) Frequency, +20 Degree Celsius (ºC) Temperature N/A 0.075 Ω N/A 0.303 Ω N/A 0.014 Ω
Rated Ripple Current at 105 Degree Celsius (ºC) Temperature, 120 Hertz (Hz) Frequency N/A 3.28 mArms N/A 2.66 mArms N/A 4.88 mArms
Temperature Range N/A -40 to +105 ºC N/A -25 to +105 ºC N/A -40 to +105 ºC
Leakage Current at 20 Degree Celsius (ºC) Temperature After 5 Minutes N/A I=0.02CV 3 µA or 3 mA, whichever is smaller.
Where, I : Max. leakage current (µA), C : Nominal capacitance (µF), V : Rated voltage (V)
Rated Lifetime N/A 2000 hours
Note for Rated Lifetime N/A At 105 ºC with rated ripple current applied.
Maximum Dissipation Factor (Tan δ) at 120 Hertz (Hz) Frequency, 20 Degree Celsius (ºC) Temperature N/A 0.15
Maximum Impedance Ratio Low Temperature Characteristics at 120 Hertz (Hz) Frequency N/A Z(-25 ºC)/Z(+20 ºC) = 2
Z(-40 ºC)/Z(+20 ºC) = 5
N/A Z(-25 ºC)/Z(+20 ºC) = 8 N/A Z(-25 ºC)/Z(+20 ºC) = 2
Z(-40 ºC)/Z(+20 ºC) = 6
Rated Ripple Current Multipliers at +45 Degree Celsius (ºC) Ambient Temperature N/A 2.64
Rated Ripple Current Multipliers at +60 Degree Celsius (ºC) Ambient Temperature N/A 2.23
Rated Ripple Current Multipliers at +70 Degree Celsius (ºC) Ambient Temperature N/A 2.12
Rated Ripple Current Multipliers at +85 Degree Celsius (ºC) Ambient Temperature N/A 1.73
Rated Ripple Current Multipliers at +105 Degree Celsius (ºC) Ambient Temperature N/A 1
Rated Ripple Current Multipliers at 50 Hertz (Hz) Frequency N/A 0.92 N/A 0.77 N/A 0.92
Rated Ripple Current Multipliers at 120 Hertz (Hz) Frequency N/A 1
Rated Ripple Current Multipliers at 300 Hertz (Hz) Frequency N/A 1.07 N/A 1.16 N/A 1.07
Rated Ripple Current Multipliers at 1 Kilohertz (kHz) Frequency N/A 1.13 N/A 1.30 N/A 1.13
Rated Ripple Current Multipliers at 10 Kilohertz (kHz) Frequency N/A 1.19 N/A 1.41 N/A 1.19
Rated Ripple Current Multipliers at 100 Kilohertz (kHz) Frequency N/A 1.20 N/A 1.43 N/A 1.20
Industry Standards N/A Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Compliant
Endurance N/A The following specifications shall be satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20 ºC after subjecting them to DC voltage for 2,000 hours at 105 ºC with the rated ripple current applied. The sum of the DC voltage and peak AC voltage must not exceed the full rated voltage of the capacitors.

Capacitance change: ≤ ±20% of the initial value
Tan δ (DF): ≤ 200% of the initial specified value
Leakage current: ≤ initial specified value
Shelf Life N/A The following specifications shall be satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20 ºC after exposing them for 1,000 hours at +105 ºC without voltage applied. The rated voltage shall be applied to the capacitors for a minimum of 30 minutes, at least 24 hours and not more than 48 hours before the measurements.

Capacitance change: ≤ ±20% of the initial value
Tan δ (DF): ≤ 150% of the initial specified value
Leakage current: ≤ initial specified value
Features N/A
  • High CV
  • High Ripple
  • PC board 2 or 4-pin snap-in; optional 4 or 5-pin straight terminals.
Additional Information N/A The standard KMH series capacitors are not solvent proof. Refer to guidelines and precautions on the website for usage and installation conditions recommended for United Chemi-Con products.