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Wire Leads Noise Canceling Microphone
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Items Wire Leads Noise Canceling Microphone
Wire Leads Noise Canceling Microphone
List Price {QUOTE}
Solder Pads Noise Canceling Microphone
Solder Pads Noise Canceling Microphone
List Price {QUOTE}
Manufacturer Stock N/A {0} N/A {0}
Description N/A
Brands N/A PUI Audio™
Manufacturer N/A PUI Audio�, Inc.
Directivity N/A Noise Canceling
Sensitivity N/A -54 dB
Sensitivity Tolerance (±) N/A 4 dB
Direct Current (DC) Standard Operating Voltage N/A 1.5 V
Maximum Operating Direct Current (DC) Voltage N/A 10 V
Maximum Current Consumption N/A 0.5 mA
Impedance N/A 0.68 kΩ N/A 680 Ω
Impedance Tolerance (±) N/A N/A 5 %
Minimum Signal to Noise Ratio N/A > 55 dB N/A 55 dB
Terminal Material N/A Wire Leads N/A Solder Pads
Frequency Range N/A 100 to 10000 Hz N/A
Tolerance (±) N/A 5 mm
Angle Tolerance (±) N/A 3 º
Industry Standards N/A Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) 2002/95/EC
Note N/A Specifications subject to change or withdrawal without notice.